Sunday, July 6, 2008

21 - Organizations That SHOULD Be Started

Coalition AGAINST the Red Hat Society
These old bags must be stopped. Red and purple-clad party animals, loudly carrying on in public places. Think The Shriners, minus the nobility of a charitable cause, and without those cool Corvette go-karts. A demanding, self-righteous bunch, often closing down restaurants with their large numbers. Think First Wives Club X 100.

North Americans for the End of Ska-Punk
It was cool in the old days but now... come on. Everyone knows its "punk" for band geeks. Put down the brass and learn a real rock instrument, or better yet, stay home and stop trying to disguise your geekiness.
for blog use ONLY

Humor Loving People AGAINST Jim Breuer
OK, This doesn't really need to happen since most of the world has forgotten about him anyway. Pot humor is way played out. The only way its funny still is when done in a new and innovative way. JB is not the one to bring about this change.

Just goes to show you, only Jim Breuer finds Jim Breuer funny.

That's it for now. Comment with your suggestions, not that anyone reads this.


swampy said...

how about an organization against people forming organization's. an organization free society is possible if we let it.

Sanchez said...

control to bellman.
go ahead.
red hat ladies are mad lesbians with drunk husbands.

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